July 17, 2024

Full Circle


My First Love

When I was contacted about this event and saw that it was scheduled to happen on my birthday, I paused for a second. I had to ask myself, "Do you really want to be working on your birthday?" I couldn't say no for two reasons:

  1. I love what I do, and any chance I get to do it, I'll more than likely take.
  2. It gave me an opportunity to go back to where my photography journey started: the church.

When I was new to event photography, I began by taking photos at my old church during different events. It was there that I learned so much about interacting with people, making them feel comfortable around me, and how much I could use that skill set long term. Above all else, I get to be in the house of the Lord, doing what I love on my birthday (and getting paid, haha). I could not have asked for a better gift.